The first trees are being planted in our new display gardens which we hope to complete over the coming year.
MyPlant has begun work on our new gardens. With the assistance of well known garden designer Mr Martin Brady we are creating the first phase of a 5 acre trials and display gardens. The site is adjacent to our nursery and near the 2000 year old Rath (celtic ringfort) on our farm.
We hope to complete tree planting in the next few weeks.We are planing 365 trees to form the canopy and shelter framework for the parkland theme garden which is the first phase of 4 distinctively different planting schemes. Once the trees are planted we will continue with the planting program with potted ground shrubs, perennials and grasses throughout the summer. These gardens will provide a fantastic show case in the coming years and once matured MyPlant will run opendays to showcase our plants in real garden settings.
We will be posting updates with pictures of the work in progress as the year goes on. The opening ceremony for the gardens will be in September 2009 when we host a visit from the International Plant Propagtors Society who hold their World Conference here in Kilkenny September 2009. This is a prestigeous event and will attract over 200 professional horticulturists from all over the world. See more about the conference here
In the meantime enjoy the great Spring weather and take advantage of it to get an early start on your garden. With some simple plant choices, a little professional advice from your local garden centre or landscaper you can bit by bit turn your garden into your own retreat and plant paradise at home. Remember you can garden and plant right through the summer as almost all plants now are sold in pots whihc makes gardening easy for you andthe plants continue to grow and flourish even when in the garden centres waiting to be taken home by you and planted or put into patio or balcony pots & containers.
For some good advice and tips see the following links
MyPlant Team.
MyPlant has begun work on our new gardens. With the assistance of well known garden designer Mr Martin Brady we are creating the first phase of a 5 acre trials and display gardens. The site is adjacent to our nursery and near the 2000 year old Rath (celtic ringfort) on our farm.
We hope to complete tree planting in the next few weeks.We are planing 365 trees to form the canopy and shelter framework for the parkland theme garden which is the first phase of 4 distinctively different planting schemes. Once the trees are planted we will continue with the planting program with potted ground shrubs, perennials and grasses throughout the summer. These gardens will provide a fantastic show case in the coming years and once matured MyPlant will run opendays to showcase our plants in real garden settings.
We will be posting updates with pictures of the work in progress as the year goes on. The opening ceremony for the gardens will be in September 2009 when we host a visit from the International Plant Propagtors Society who hold their World Conference here in Kilkenny September 2009. This is a prestigeous event and will attract over 200 professional horticulturists from all over the world. See more about the conference here

In the meantime enjoy the great Spring weather and take advantage of it to get an early start on your garden. With some simple plant choices, a little professional advice from your local garden centre or landscaper you can bit by bit turn your garden into your own retreat and plant paradise at home. Remember you can garden and plant right through the summer as almost all plants now are sold in pots whihc makes gardening easy for you andthe plants continue to grow and flourish even when in the garden centres waiting to be taken home by you and planted or put into patio or balcony pots & containers.
For some good advice and tips see the following links
MyPlant Team.