Bloom is now well over and it was a fantastic success for visitors designers and exhibitors generally. With amazing weather clear blue skies and a record attendance of 55,000 people one could be forgiven for banishing the economic R word from all utterances during the show and thats exactly what most people did. any mention of the R word was treated with the distain of a grrrr word so the weekend was purely about enjoyment of all that is great about Horticulture!
The popular plants on our stand this year were Cordyline Charlie Boy, now sold out until 2010. Dierama or Angels Fishing Rods were an outstanding hit and Dierama Blue Belle, Dierama Merlin, Dierama Guinevere, Dierama Lancelot, Libertia Goldfinger. Popular also wast the most unusual yellow Dhalia called Knockout,. All of these can be bought in Garden Centres all over Ireland and UK.
www.myplant.ieOur Raymond Evison Clematis varieties were displayed in limited numbers at Bloom and now are released to Garden Centres nationwide so watch out for there they include the newly released variety Oh lala whch was shown to the public for the first time at Chelsea 2009 and of course 2008 Gold Medal Clematis Rebacca with its stunnind vivid red flowers is now released nationwide to our Garden Centre stockists in Ireland.
The show gardens this year were fantastic and more information can be seen on these at
www.bloominthepark.ie . FitzGerald Nurseries collaborated on a number of gardens at Bloom 2009 so we will be highlighting these in a later blog.