
Banana make a fantastic and dramatic statement to your garden. Planted in a secluded sheltered part of your garden, balcony or patio, these outstanding plants can give ambience and tropical feel to your garden. Once established and growing

Ensete and Musa are easy care resilient plants giving invaluable effect to your living space. There are many tropical plants such as Canna, Ensete, Musa, Colocasia whihc are esy care once instructions are followed and can give you the topical feeling right at your own doorstep. You can now try them out for very little cost and establish some great plants of your own, a small investment for years of pleasure. Between 11am and 1pm today Sunday June 14th tune into Ideal Shopping channe here Ideal World TV – channel 644 on SKY and 22 on freeview or on the web
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