I am pleased to be able to say Ceanothus Tuxedo discovered here by myself on our nursery in Ireland is attracting increasing amount of attention on West Coast USA in trade press and enthusiast blogs. The plant is well received here in Ireland, UK and France. Ceanothus Tuxedo looks like becoming a mainstay variety in more than a few countries. See some of the following Blogs and Websites that have picked up on our introduction. Watch out for our Phormium Black Adder which is also now released on West Coast USA, Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

We love our Ceanothus here in California. This one looks particularly amazing. Can't wait to see it here locally.
ReplyDeleteI just picked up one of these at our local Molbak's (near Seattle). It is very impressive looking! Gorgeous black leaves-yes a little brown toned, but almsot as good of a black as black mondo grass. Should pair up well with silver foliages.
ReplyDeleteSince it's only a #1 size, I plan to keep it in a container for a year or two and to give it protection in some of our harder freezes. We do have a problem here, with many of the specialty Ceanothus hybrids, especially young plants, not being hardy. Even though the parentage of this is a northeastern American native plant, I will still worry.
I hope you make a bunch of money from royalties on this plant. You deserve it!
Thank you for these nice comments Kat and Patti, I am very pleased how Tuxedo is amazing and delighting West Coast gardeners so far. Its a good idea to give it some protection to start it off if you have small plants. Its about as hary as you get in the prettier cultivars I am 100% sue its hard to minus eitht in our humodity conditions. I have seen it survive to -10C from reports back from Holland. We had mature plants get -13C here in our garden so waiting to see if they recover from that. They have been defoliated at that temp so only time will tell if -12C is its upper limit therefore for now I am saying from our experince 2 year planted plants are fine with -8C. Local conditions are always important and frost pockets etc. The met office can say it got to -12C but in a frost pocket it can get to -15C. I hope this helps, regarding making a bunch of money I dont meet too many millionaire nurserymen :). I would be pleased to become one but I am happy with horticulture as a life.
ReplyDeleteThank you both for your comments and I hope its now near you Kat and you dont only have to see it on Twitter :).